Monday, November 16, 2009
Yay for Productivity!
Today during Ella's morning nap I got a ton done. I cleaned the bathroom, took a shower, got dinner going in the crockpot, balanced our checkbook and ordered some things online for Kyle and Ella! Then Ella got up, we had lunch and went to Walmart to return a few things that I found cheaper online and got groceries. I love days like that, when I get so much done in the morning that I can relax during Ella's afternoon nap. I think I am going to try just doing one nap for Ella from now on though. I have been debating it for a long time, and I don't think Ella is quite ready, but I think I need to. Nowadays by the time she gets up from her second nap it is dark out and she is totally disoriented. She ends up crying a lot and being pretty crabby. I don't think it is worth it anymore to deal with all that when I am trying to make dinner. I think I will mourn the loss of my afternoon break for a long time. Right now when she only takes one nap she doesn't sleep any longer than if she was taking two, but I think over time she will adjust. She will need to just stay up longer in the morning before napping so she is more tired and her sleep is more evenly distributed. I think I will try putting her down an hour later than normal, and slowly keep pushing it back until she is napping from about 1:00-3:00 (or 4:00!). Right now she naps from 10-11 and 3:30-5:00. Tomorrow she will probably be fine even if it doesn't work very well because I am watching Ella's friend Owen during the afternoon and we have small group in the evening so Ella will get even more play time with friends. That always helps her from being crabby.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Oh Papa
Ella really loves her Papa. Every time she hears the door open she says "Papa?" and she comes running when he gets home at night. She loves rough housing with Kyle and sitting on his lap while he works on his computer. I don't think Kyle even realizes how much she adores him. Tonight he came home from work and started helping a friend work on his car, so Ella really didn't get to see him but she knew he was out there and she was not happy about it. She was crying for him so often that I finally went out and asked Kyle to come inside and spend some time with her. I felt kind of bad because his friend's car wouldn't work until they finished, but Ella needed him. You should have seen how excited Ella was to see Kyle! She followed him around all over while he washed his hands, just waiting for him to pick her up. It was very sweet to see. Seeing her love for Kyle inspired me to dedicate a blog to Ella and Papa moments.

Kyle spraying Ella down on a hot summer day

The Pants On The Head Game

Ella used to love to stand on Kyle's hands

Ella looks really angry but actually Kyle is just pushing her forehead down

Ella looks really angry but actually Kyle is just pushing her forehead down
Ella never liked this sling as a baby, but Kyle put her in it one day and she was happy as a clam

Ella's absolute favorite thing to do with Kyle is bath time. He asks her if she wants a bath and she stops whatever she is doing and runs to the bathroom.

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