Tonight we took Ella to a park nearby after dinner and we met a really nice couple who just moved to Eau Claire a few weeks ago. They have two little boys, one that is just a few months older than Ella and a newborn. it makes me kind of sad that we are moving because it was really fun talking to them and the kids played well together. I would like to get to know them better but it seems kind of pointless when we are moving soon.
The mom had a c-section with her second baby and it was interesting to talk to her about how it is dealing with a toddler and a newborn after a c-section. I am going back and forth about having another c-section but I was afraid it would be too difficult because the recovery is longer and I wouldn't be able to carry Ella around. However, there is a chance that I could go through all the time and pain of labor just to find that I had the same problem as with Ella and would have to have a c-section again anyways. That would really suck! This woman said that it actually hasn't been too bad not being able to pick up her toddler. He is in a toddler bed now so he can climb in on his own and when he wants to be picked up because he got hurt or something, she just bends down and gives him a hug.
I really don't know what to do. There is a chance that I couldn't deliver Ella because my bone structure is such that it won't allow a baby to descend through the birth canal. I was stuck at 8 centimeters dilated for 12 hours despite doing everything we could to help my labor progress. the idea of going through all that again just to have a c-section anyways makes me cringe. It was so painful and exhausting, and completely unproductive. I can deal with the pain if I know it serves a purpose, but when it really didn't do any good, it just made me frustrated. I really am not concerned with how our baby comes into the world. I am not one of those women who really wants the experience of actually giving birth. I don't really feel like I missed out on anything by having a c-section with Ella. I just don't want to deal with the restrictions and painful recovery of a c-section. I am also not particularly concerned with any possible side effects of a c-section, since it went fine last time.
I guess my only dilemma is feeling kind of guilty for taking the easy way out by having a c-section, and the longer recovery time. It would be nice to have a planned c-section so we could coordinate having help with Ella and so it would be easier for family to come visit. I think Kyle and I will just have to talk a lot about it and weigh the pros and cons.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Space or Money?
As Kyle and I are starting to get closer to moving to Onalaska I have been thinking more and more about where we should live. We will be renting for quite awhile until we can pay off student loans and save up for a down payment on a house. We would both like a place that is nice enough for us to live in for as long as we are renting, which will probably be at least 5 years or more. Our dilemma at this point is deciding how much to put into rent. We would like to keep our rent low so that more income can go toward debt and saving for a house, but we also want a decent place with space for our growing family. Realistically if we want a place that has 3 bedrooms we will be paying a couple hundred more per month. I know our kids could share a room, but I wouldn't want Ella in the same room as a newborn who is waking up several times a night, and kyle and I really don't want the baby in our room either. It would be nice to have a third bedroom that could normally be the baby's room but could also be a guest room if people came to visit. We could definitely deal with the baby in our room for a few nights if it meant having space for visitors.
My biggest fear is moving backward. Our rental in Menomonie was tiny, and when we added Ella it became super cramped and kind of miserable. We had no space to move or get away from each other. I feel like if we are in the same size rental as we have now when we have this baby it will feel like it did when we had Ella. I can't imagine living in a totally cramped apartment with 2 kids for 5 years or more.
Technically we could probably swing it if we were paying $200 more per month, but it will take us longer to save up for a down payment and pay off our debt. Paying off our school debt is extremely important to us right now because we have a ton and the interest is crazy. Everyday we don't have it paid off we are losing money. With all of our debt we are accruing several hundred dollars of interest every month. It just doesn't make sense to only pay the minimum payment if we could be paying more.
So what is more important, saving money so we can buy a house sooner or being comfortable? Financially it would be better to make due with a smaller place, but we really want to enjoy where we are living. So what should we do?
My biggest fear is moving backward. Our rental in Menomonie was tiny, and when we added Ella it became super cramped and kind of miserable. We had no space to move or get away from each other. I feel like if we are in the same size rental as we have now when we have this baby it will feel like it did when we had Ella. I can't imagine living in a totally cramped apartment with 2 kids for 5 years or more.
Technically we could probably swing it if we were paying $200 more per month, but it will take us longer to save up for a down payment and pay off our debt. Paying off our school debt is extremely important to us right now because we have a ton and the interest is crazy. Everyday we don't have it paid off we are losing money. With all of our debt we are accruing several hundred dollars of interest every month. It just doesn't make sense to only pay the minimum payment if we could be paying more.
So what is more important, saving money so we can buy a house sooner or being comfortable? Financially it would be better to make due with a smaller place, but we really want to enjoy where we are living. So what should we do?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Beautiful Spring Days

I am loving this spring weather! Ella and I have spent a ton of time outside the last few days and as a result we have both been in much better moods. I think Ella was getting a serious case of cabin fever and was very crabby the last few weeks. When Kyle got home last night he spent some time outside with Ella too, and he had the freedom to throw her as far as he wanted! She loved it, and just so you know, Kyle has never dropped Ella when he does crazy things like that with her, which is pretty much every day. In this picture it looks like Ella is about to hit the power line but they were actually not anywhere close to the lines.
Monday, March 15, 2010
More Bath Time Fun

Yesterday Kyle needed to shower and Ella needed a bath, so Kyle put his swim trunks on and jumped into the bath with Ella. They both had a great time, and I enjoyed watching! Watching Ella and Kyle interact is one of my favorite things. They have so much fun together. I will post a picture of their outdoor fun in the glorious weather today in my next post. Let's just say Ella is definitely NOT afraid of heights!
P.S. I am still feeling great with this pregnancy and showing more and more. I am planning on starting to take belly shots soon. I can't believe I am already in my 2nd trimester! My friend Chrissy lives next door and she had a baby last week. Spending time with them makes me excited to have this baby, although I am glad I am not due any time soon! I definitely appreciate the length of pregnancy. I might not feel that way by my 3rd trimester but I am glad right now that I have plenty of time to prepare and get Ella used to being around other new babies. There will be 3 new babies in our group of friends before ours comes so Ella will be spending a lot of time with little babies and getting practice with being gentle. So far she is very jealous when I hold Chrissy's son Elijah. That will need to change!
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