Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ah Sick

Today Ella is at my parent's house and I am continuing to pack. I have decided I am completely sick of packing, especially when moving things in and out of our coat closet unearthed a ton of little bugs! Kyle bought some barley for brewing beer which was in a cooler in the closet. It got buried and we both forgot about it for quite some time. I took it out of the closet to organize and pack stuff up. Then I put it back in on top of another box. When I went back to add something to that box I could see tons of little bugs crawling out of the cooler and up the wall. That is probably the grossest thing I have seen inside this apartment! So I put the cooler inside a garbage bag and put it outside and starting vacuuming up the bugs. I go back to the closet every ten minutes or so and find more that have climbed out of their hiding places. There are several boxes in there and I think it will be impossible to find all the bugs. I feel like we are going to wake up tomorrow covered in bugs! I had obviously gone too long without cleaning that closet!!

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