Sunday, April 26, 2009
I am not a medical expert by any means, but I think I might have been slightly preeclamptic. I certainly was not a serious case which entails headaches, nausea, vomiting and blurred vision. They probably wouldn't have done anything differently other than increasing my check ups to make sure I didn't get worse. But it does concern me that my doctor was so nonchalant about everything. What if it had gotten worse? Preeclampsia affects the amount of blood the baby gets, therefore they don't get enough oxygen or food, meaning lower birth weight. There are all sorts of problems with low birth weight babies. I try not to be an extremist and I think Ella and I were both fine, but I am a little disappointed with the quality of care I received. My doctor was great in lots of ways and she is still Ella's doctor, but I don't think I would have her be my doctor the next time I am pregnant. I did love the birth center in the hospital Ella was born at and would consider delivering there again if we lived close enough. It was brand new, the rooms were huge, the food was great and it was small enough to get plenty of quality care. I didn't want to leave! I had to go back and pick up something we forgot a few weeks after Ella was born and I stayed and talked to the nurses for a long time. Red Cedar Medical Center is a great place to have a baby, just maybe not with my doctor.
So I have a game plan for next time I am pregnant to avoid becoming a blimp:
1. Drink as much water as humanely possible
2. Avoid salt all together
3. Exercise regularly
4. No caffeine
5. No fried foods or junk food
These are all things you are supposed to do during pregnancy anyway and I tried to do them, but next time I will be extreme. I will try my best to not drink ANY Dr. Pepper (which I had maybe once a week last time), No salt (unless I don't have a choice; if we are eating at a friend's house I might not be able to avoid it) and I will avoid any candy or chocolate. When I was pregnant with Ella I worked at a chocolate shop and therefore ate a lot of chocolate. I actually did really well for most of my pregnancy with gaining weight slowly and healthfully, then BAM! I was huge. That is another sign of preeclampsia- sudden swelling in the face. My face was a little bit bigger throughout, but at the end it got crazy big. I have been a lot better about exercising lately because I take Ella for walks, so hopefully I will stay healthy. The hardest thing will be avoiding pop and chocolate. I really don't like salt very much and I never add it to my food, but so many recipes call for it that it might be an issue, but I will try.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ella's First Birthday

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Disappearing sections of posts
One Year Ago Today

Ella's head coming out

The rest of her coming out (Notice she is holding onto the tube!)

The first picture of the 3 of us

All cleaned up and beautiful beyond words!
Its funny because I didn't cry when I found out I was pregnant, or when Ella was born, but right now as I write this and look at the pictures, I am struggling to hold back tears!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Sweetest Thing
On an unrelated note, I wanted to draw your attention to a family whose story I have been following on the blog the mom created. Her son, Stellan, has a very serious heart condition and needs to have surgery, tomorrow morning, if not sooner. This is a link to the blog Stellan's mom created. This woman is truly amazing to me. She has so much faith in God through these tough times. If you could, take some time to pray for this boy. He was supposed to be stillborn, but he was totally healthy for the first 5 months of his life. At this point it sounds like he needs this surgery to live, but the surgery is very risky and could kill him.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ella's First Easter

Monday, April 13, 2009
Big Girl Carseat!
The first time she was in it she seemed to really like it because she could see me and I could play with her a bit. She quickly got bored and annoyed that she couldn't move. That had us a little worried that she wasn't going to sleep in the car anymore. We are in the car a lot and we kind of depend on Ella sleeping. Turns out she just needed to learn to fall asleep sitting up. By learning I mean we had to just let her cry herself to sleep, which she did after a hectic Easter. Then today when we dropped Kyle off at work she just fell asleep without any crying! Here she is fast asleep: