I think it is sad that Easter is not nearly as celebrated as Christmas. I understand in some ways because Christmas is such a joyous holiday and Easter has a lot of sadness before the joy. But the important thing to remember about Easter is that there is so much joy to be found in the remembrance of what Jesus did for us. It breaks my heart to think about all the pain and shame Jesus endured to save us all from our sins, but then I think about the fact that he didn't stay dead. Jesus is Risen! And he knows each and everyone one of us completely and loves us. He longs for a deep and personal relationship with us. I will live the rest of my life to know him and glorify him, and I pray that you will too.
On a lighter note, Ella looked incredibly cute this Easter in her little dress. She was great all day and it was a lot of fun to see her playing with her Easter gifts and "looking" for eggs at my grandparents. I put quotes around looking because really my cousins just put eggs on the ground right in front of her so she could pick them up. I don't have any pictures of that yet (my mom does) but if I get some from her, I will post them. Here are some pictures of Ella all dressed up:

hey molly! I saw your blog on your facebook page! I enjoy blogging to share photos and stories with friends and family back home! Ella has gotten so big!! WOW! I cant believe she is almost 1!