Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Cookie Baking 2009
I stole some pictures from my sister's facebook page to give all of my none family member blog readers an idea of what the day is like:
Here I am showing off dough I mixed up for my mom
Ella "helped" organize the cut outs for sugar cookies

Here are my aunts Paula, Cathy, and Carla, Carla's daughter Calli and me working on cookies
Ella's Words and Noises
Duck- luckily she is really good at doing the "d" sound!
She says more than that, but those are the newest and most used. She still doesn't use sentences, or even 2 words together. Hopefully soon she will start actually talking so we won't be so clueless as to what she wants. Another new verbal thing for Ella is making animal noises. Until a few weeks ago she only did cat, dog and cow noises. Now she can do almost every farm animal and some extras. The other animal noises she makes are:
Chicken/bird/duck- they all sound the same
The best one is her pig noise. She won't do it very often, but I think it is hilarious! It is really exciting to hear her repeating more words and then remembering them later and randomly saying them. It really does seem like she learns a new word almost every day.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
New Man in Ella's Life

Drinking buddies
Fall Fun

This one is somewhat cute
Monday, November 16, 2009
Yay for Productivity!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Oh Papa

The Pants On The Head Game

Ella looks really angry but actually Kyle is just pushing her forehead down
Ella never liked this sling as a baby, but Kyle put her in it one day and she was happy as a clam

Ella's absolute favorite thing to do with Kyle is bath time. He asks her if she wants a bath and she stops whatever she is doing and runs to the bathroom.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Good and Bad
The bad news? She has the flu. She has a fever and a cough, then I described symptoms Kyle has had recently (fever, cough, chills, aches, fatigue, etc) and they decided to put Ella on Tamiflu and swabbed her nose to make sure she has the flu. The rapid test came back positive for Influenza A, and the nurse said that the test for H1N1 takes a few days but most times when the first one is positive then the second one is as well. So it looks like Kyle and Ella probably have H1N1. That kind of sucks, but it really doesn't seem that bad. Other than not eating well and being whiny (which is normal) Ella seems fine. She was her normal active self all day long, and Kyle doesn't feel good but he isn't bedridden or anything. I asked if Kyle should go into the clinic, and our doctor said that he will probably be fine since he is normally really healthy. They are more concerned about people who are children, elderly people, pregnant women and unhealthy people, so Kyle should be fine. Someone died from H1N1 here in Eau Claire, but she already had health problems.
Ella doesn't like her medicine, so I just mixed it in with her milk. She has to go back in 2 weeks to make sure the medicine worked and to get her vaccinations. I suppose she won't have to get a flu shot now, so that is good. One less shot is always good! I am glad we caught it early and the medicine will kick it out of her system before it gets bad. We will be seeing family this weekend, but Ella will have had enough of the medicine to not be contagious anymore. I asked our doctor to make sure because some of my cousins are still pretty young.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Earlier this week Ella and I were having a great time together and I was feeling so awesome about being her mom and getting to spend my days with her, but something always changes and it always starts feeling like more than I can take. Being a mother is definitely the biggest trial I have ever been put through and it is sucking the life out of me right now. I tried to prepare myself for motherhood, but I don't think I could have possibly prepared myself for how challenging Ella is. And the hardest thing is that it is rare for anyone else to experience Ella being this way because she is pretty well behaved when there are other people around and babies to play with. I honestly feel like no one can understand what I am going through. At this point I have basically given up all hope that Ella will ever be a better behaved child. I have a strong willed child who is going to fight me every single step of the way her entire life, so I better get used to it. I better get some sleep now, because tomorrow I have to get up and do it all over again. Oh joy.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
25 Years
This weekend is going to be packed. On Saturday we will be spending the day helping our friends, the Becker's, move down to the La Crosse area, then on Sunday we have a bunch of stuff going on at church before heading to Baldwin. I have to work in the nursery, Kyle is playing drums in the band, we will help serve a meal at church and then we have a church plant meeting. Somewhere in there I will head home with Ella so she can take a nap. Yikes! Ella will love it though because she will get to play with friends and family all day long.
And just because I think posts without pictures are boring, here is one of Ella with pigtails again. Her hair is longer than last time so it worked better. She still won't leave them in but it is fun to try every once in awhile. I have a dream of someday doing fun things with her hair. It may be just that, a dream!

Friday, September 18, 2009
Here We Grow Again Sale

Saturday, September 5, 2009
What To Do?
I called Loretta today just to check in and it sounds like Ella is having a great time. She has been sleeping well and played in the lake for awhile. I really wasn't concerned that she would have fun though! I am sure she is getting all the attention she can handle and playing all day long. It is good for her to have some time where she doesn't have to run errands with me or play by herself while I get things done. I think it is also important for her to spend time away from me. She is very used to having her mama around all time and can be a bit clingy, so this time away will be good for us both.
Thank goodness for grandparents!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
A Girl After My Own Heart
But seriously, we are having a hard time dealing with her tantrums. She is having them often, even when she isn't teething. We feel like she needs to be disciplined somehow so that she knows it is not ok to react that way when we say no, but we aren't sure what to do. We have decided that we will be spanking her as part of discipline. I didn't want to spank our kids but Ella is particularly stubborn and willfully disobedient, and nothing else has worked so far. Plus, we talked to some adult couples at our church and they were talking about spanking as a teaching mechanism and doing it out of love. My experience with spanking was always that parents did it when they were mad and wanted to punish their child (I wasn't spanked, so my only experience is witnessing strangers spanking their kids or what we talked about in my child development classes). I had never seen or heard of it done in a way that positively changed their child's behavior. Our pastor's daughter actually thanked her parent's for spanking her because she felt like it made her a better person! She is in high school now and gets pretty disgusted with her classmates poor attitudes. She had some attitude issues when she was younger. Her parents spanked her when she acted up and slowly she changed for the better.
The problem with spanking her when she has a tantrum is that she freaks out even more. I don't know if that will slowly change as she learns that she will get a spank if she acts that way, or if she will continue to tantrum even harder when she gets spanked. I have also thought of simply ignoring her when she has a tantrum, because she is really just looking for attention, so if I ignore her maybe she will figure out that it is a poor way of getting attention. I know we need to be teaching her positive ways of expressing her frustration, but she can't talk yet, so how else could she express it? So many questions, so few answers. Does anyone have any advice?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Church Name Survey Continued
La Crosse is referred to as the "Coulee Region". That is where Coulee Rock comes from. The word coulee is widely used in the La Crosse area, so it would give the church name regional significance. The Rock part of the name comes from Jesus being the bedrock of the church (Matthew 16:18).
Stone Ridge refers to the stone ridges seen all over the area because of the bluffs, so it is also regionally significant. It also has some spiritual significance because the bible refers to Jesus being the capstone (Psalm 118:22).
Both names have both spiritual and regional significance. Our concern with Coulee Rock is that coulee is very widely used in the area so it might not stand out. our concern with Stone Ridge is that is sounds more like a housing development than a church. Personally I am not crazy about either name and would kind of like to start the process over, but I don't see that happening, so we need help picking between the two names.
If anyone has any opinions on the name now that you know our reasons for choosing them, please leave a comment. We have a meeting on Sunday and I believe we will be making a choice between names, so please respond by Saturday.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Comment Please
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Pigtails for Ella!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
Ella feeding herself
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Another Ella and Hurshle Playdate

They spent most of the day playing outside

This started out as a hug which ended with Hurshle falling on top of Ella. They played that way for awhile. I don't know about this!

After playing in the sandbox they both had sand imbedded in their skin so they got a bath. I am sure they will be very embarassed by this picture some day!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
New Tooth!
Here are some pictures from the 4th of July:

I made a flag cake for the picnic at my parent's house. It turned out pretty well for my first try!
Here is Ella hanging out on the deck with her "Grandpa with cows"
Monday, June 29, 2009
Not Me Monday

Not Me Monday was created by MckMama as a way to fess up to all the embarrassing things we do and laugh at our own imperfection. Here are a few things from the last week:
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Our New Place

Monday, June 8, 2009
What a Week
I am looking forward to this week being better. Pretty much all of the unpacking is done, so this week will be more decorating, hanging pictures and such. Kyle has a softball game tonight that I am hoping will not get rained out so that I can take Ella. We also have bible study again this week, which I am really excited about! We took the month of May off because of the end of the school year and other stuff, and I feel like we haven't seen our friends very much, so I am really looking forward to Thursday. It will be extra awesome because we are going to our pastors house and he and his wife will be talking to us about parenting. They have a lot of wisdom to share and I am ready to soak it up!
It feels like summer is finally starting now that we are settled. I am ready for warm weather so we can go to the pool. Come on sun!!!
P.S. I still promise to post pictures of our new place, I just want to wait until we have some things on the walls so it looks more homey.
Monday, June 1, 2009
We're Here!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Baby Speak
Oh yeah?
What's that?
Jack (Grandpa Haley's dog, Ella loves him but he is terrified of her)
Everything else is babble, which I am sure makes sense to Ella, but we don't have a clue what she is saying.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ah Sick
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Warm Weather
Oh yeah, we are moving! I don't think I have posted anything about that yet. Kyle graduated so we are no longer stuck in Menomonie. He likes his current job and will be able to go full time there, so we are moving to Eau Claire. That is where his job is located, along with our church and many wonderful friends from church. We are moving to a duplex which has a lot more space than where we are now. The main living space isn't a ton bigger, but it also has a full basement and a garage, so all around we will have much more space. It is also right next door to one of the couples in our small group at church, so that makes it even better! We are looking forward to moving sometime around June 1st. Ella and I are planning to spend most of the summer in the backyard, or at the pool or one of the many great parks in the area. Maybe she won't get so sick of her toys if she doesn't have to play with them all day everyday. We are sad to be moving farther away from family but this move will mean that Kyle doesn't have to commute to work and we will be able to spend more time with friends. Our group of friends in Eau Claire are all married and many of them have babies around Ella's age, so we have been able to really connect with them. It is nice to have a group of really awesome people who are in the same stage of life as we are. It is also nice for Ella to be making friends. It is fun to see her playing with other babies. Just a few months ago they all pretty much ignored each other but now they play together and get really excited to see each other.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day
Friday, May 8, 2009
Temper Tantrums
I really don't know what to do about these temper tantrums she is having lately. Normally she freaks out over diaper changes but stops as soon as I am done. If she gets mad because we took something away she usually stops as soon as we give her something new. But this time she was already playing with something new when I took the motrin away. So what gives? Was it just extra aggravated because it was nap time? She slept fine last night and actually napped well yesterday at my parents, so I don't think she was overly tired. She hadn't even shown any signs of being tired before I started this whole process. I have been reading online and everything is saying to just replace the object you took away or remove them from the situation and they will calm down. Give them a hug and everything is just dandy. But you know what? That doesn't always work. So when it doesn't work what do I do? I am glad that I didn't give in to her screaming and give her the motrin back because then she will think she is in charge, and in essence would be. She has been testing me a lot lately to see who has the power. I have not given in and she has been doing better, but today really caught me off guard. She woke up happy and was in a good mood all morning. She was her normal friendly self at the bank and Walmart. I don't know what happened. She continues to be a mystery to me...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I am not a medical expert by any means, but I think I might have been slightly preeclamptic. I certainly was not a serious case which entails headaches, nausea, vomiting and blurred vision. They probably wouldn't have done anything differently other than increasing my check ups to make sure I didn't get worse. But it does concern me that my doctor was so nonchalant about everything. What if it had gotten worse? Preeclampsia affects the amount of blood the baby gets, therefore they don't get enough oxygen or food, meaning lower birth weight. There are all sorts of problems with low birth weight babies. I try not to be an extremist and I think Ella and I were both fine, but I am a little disappointed with the quality of care I received. My doctor was great in lots of ways and she is still Ella's doctor, but I don't think I would have her be my doctor the next time I am pregnant. I did love the birth center in the hospital Ella was born at and would consider delivering there again if we lived close enough. It was brand new, the rooms were huge, the food was great and it was small enough to get plenty of quality care. I didn't want to leave! I had to go back and pick up something we forgot a few weeks after Ella was born and I stayed and talked to the nurses for a long time. Red Cedar Medical Center is a great place to have a baby, just maybe not with my doctor.
So I have a game plan for next time I am pregnant to avoid becoming a blimp:
1. Drink as much water as humanely possible
2. Avoid salt all together
3. Exercise regularly
4. No caffeine
5. No fried foods or junk food
These are all things you are supposed to do during pregnancy anyway and I tried to do them, but next time I will be extreme. I will try my best to not drink ANY Dr. Pepper (which I had maybe once a week last time), No salt (unless I don't have a choice; if we are eating at a friend's house I might not be able to avoid it) and I will avoid any candy or chocolate. When I was pregnant with Ella I worked at a chocolate shop and therefore ate a lot of chocolate. I actually did really well for most of my pregnancy with gaining weight slowly and healthfully, then BAM! I was huge. That is another sign of preeclampsia- sudden swelling in the face. My face was a little bit bigger throughout, but at the end it got crazy big. I have been a lot better about exercising lately because I take Ella for walks, so hopefully I will stay healthy. The hardest thing will be avoiding pop and chocolate. I really don't like salt very much and I never add it to my food, but so many recipes call for it that it might be an issue, but I will try.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ella's First Birthday

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Disappearing sections of posts
One Year Ago Today

Ella's head coming out

The rest of her coming out (Notice she is holding onto the tube!)

The first picture of the 3 of us

All cleaned up and beautiful beyond words!
Its funny because I didn't cry when I found out I was pregnant, or when Ella was born, but right now as I write this and look at the pictures, I am struggling to hold back tears!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Sweetest Thing
On an unrelated note, I wanted to draw your attention to a family whose story I have been following on the blog the mom created. Her son, Stellan, has a very serious heart condition and needs to have surgery, tomorrow morning, if not sooner. http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ This is a link to the blog Stellan's mom created. This woman is truly amazing to me. She has so much faith in God through these tough times. If you could, take some time to pray for this boy. He was supposed to be stillborn, but he was totally healthy for the first 5 months of his life. At this point it sounds like he needs this surgery to live, but the surgery is very risky and could kill him.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ella's First Easter

Monday, April 13, 2009
Big Girl Carseat!
The first time she was in it she seemed to really like it because she could see me and I could play with her a bit. She quickly got bored and annoyed that she couldn't move. That had us a little worried that she wasn't going to sleep in the car anymore. We are in the car a lot and we kind of depend on Ella sleeping. Turns out she just needed to learn to fall asleep sitting up. By learning I mean we had to just let her cry herself to sleep, which she did after a hectic Easter. Then today when we dropped Kyle off at work she just fell asleep without any crying! Here she is fast asleep: